Modern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Natural Language Processing by Authors

Modern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Natural Language Processing by Authors

Though we need not do all of these every time we get an NLP problem statement, we must carefully choose the preprocessing steps based on our use case since that part also plays a significant role. In short, stemming is typically faster as it simply chops off the end of the word, but without understandingWięcej oModern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Natural Language Processing by Authors[…]

Call Center Industry Trends Worth Watching in 2023 GITNUX

Call Center Industry Trends Worth Watching in 2023 GITNUX

Even though it’s relatively early, AI has already drastically changed how we operate call centers. Google last month opened up its AI Test Kitchen to give the public a taste of its LaMDA or Language Model for Dialogue Applications, but warned it was still prone to offensive statements. Meta similarly warned it hadn’t solvedWięcej oCall Center Industry Trends Worth Watching in 2023 GITNUX[…]